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1998 • • 1 Seasons • Wife CheatingFriend's MotherOld Woman - Young BoyDrama
0/5 • 8 / 10 IMDb


A woman who did not live carefree young years. A love that came unexpectedly, at the wrong time. When he tries to make up for lost time, to regain the life he didn't live, he will have to pay the price. The heroine of the series, a Greek refugee from Odessa, married a man much older than her at the age of sixteen and had a son with him. He constantly cheated on her and at one point left her for a younger girl. She raised her son alone and, now forty-five years old, has put her life in order. But a random event is what changes everything. On the occasion of her son's car accident, she meets a new man and falls madly in love with him. This man, her son's age, is actually her first love. That's why she experiences her relationship with him without resistance, trying to make up for "the life she didn't live". But soon he will discover that nothing can turn back time..


For You


Rohan dubale 1 month ago

Plz add subtitles

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