Otkrytyy brak (open marriage)
Otkrytyy brak (open marriage)
5/5 • / 10 IMDb

Seva and Oksana are in their forties. They have three children, a large apartment in the center of Moscow, and both have established careers. An enviable life, they are an exemplary couple. Caught in the midst of petty conflicts, accumulated claims and low self-esteem, Oksana cheats on Seva for the first time in 20 years of marriage and ... admits this to her husband. Instead of the inevitable drama, Oksana invites Seva to try... an open marriage. Seva reluctantly, but agrees, because he himself has long been living with double standards, he has a mistress - the teacher of his youngest son. In the end, it's a win-win for him. The couple are entering the uncharted territory of open marriage - hello freedom.

For You
Hari 10 months ago

How to download English subtitles

Hari 10 months ago

Plz upload episode-3

furqan ul hasan 10 months ago

plz upload episode 3

Richard Frederic 8 months ago

Very nice S 02 ?

1 Reviews
Reviewed by Hari 5 / 5 10 months ago


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